Simple Luxuries: Ideal Home Temperature and How to Achieve It

It can sometimes be difficult to find the right temperature for your home, especially because different activities usually require different temperatures. However, it is not impossible. Here is a quick guide to help you achieve the ideal temperature and keep your home comfy and cozy at all times.

Ideal temperatures

To healthy adults who are appropriately dressed, the World Health Organization recommends keeping the house temperature at 18 °C or 64 °F. If there are any very young or very old, sick or disabled people in the house, the temperature should be at least 20 °C (68 °F). The temperature should not go under 16 °C (61 °F) or over 24 °C (75 °F) because it can pose a health risk.

However, seeing as how not all of us are comfortable at the humble temperature of 18 °C, it’s up to you to determine what the “ideal temperature” means to you. In addition, different times and different seasons can also play a role here.

During the summer, 25 °C (78 °F) is recommended for when you are awake. The same applies to nighttime, but if you find this temperature too warm, try to regulate it by opening a window or running a fan. As for winter, 20 °C (68 °F) should be ideal for daytime, while for sleeping, you can lower the temperature by a couple of degrees seeing as how the warm covers will keep you comfy.

Moreover, if you work from home, keep the thermostat at 22 °C (71 °F). Studies have shown that this temperature is ideal for productivity. Just one degree lower can affect your productivity levels by up to 3%.

Smart thermostats

The best way to always keep the temperature regulated and to save a ton on heating and cooling is by having a smart or Wi-Fi-enabled thermostat. These devices can be connected to your other smart gadgets, enabling you to change the temperature settings of your home even while you are away. For example, you can lower the temperature of your home while you are at work without having to worry about coming home to a cold house. With Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats, you can send a signal when you finish work, and you will be greeted with pleasant air as you arrive. With a smart thermostat, you don’t have to do anything at all if you programmed it beforehand. These devices not only make life easier and more comfortable, but are also cost-efficient, as you won’t be heating the space when it’s not necessary.


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A problem you might encounter in the summer is humidity. When humidity is high, it makes us feel even warmer. A lower temperature combined with high humidity feels considerably more uncomfortable than a higher temperature with lower humidity. What this means for you in terms of setting the optimum temperature for your home in the summer is that you should rely on your own senses more than the thermometer. This, too, can save you a lot on your electricity bills.

Keep your AC maintained

Air conditioning is being used more and more. Take a look at Australia; in 1994, barely a quarter of homes had air con and now, more than half do. In case you don’t already have an AC unit, look for a trusted company that can provide you with one. On the other hand, if you already own an air conditioning unit, you should make sure it is properly maintained. You can easily find professionals that offer quality AC services in Sydney if you are located in NSW. A properly functioning unit is crucial for keeping the right temperature and your bills under control, not to mention it can also endanger your health if your AC is malfunctioning.

Save your money and the environment

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Finally, another crucial factor in regulating the indoor temperature is the insulation of your home. If you live in an older building, it is possible that the insulation has already worn off and you are actually losing a lot of the warm or cool air you are generating through the cracks by your windows and doors or through the poorly insulated walls. So, assess your current situation and invest in this one or other energy-efficient home upgrades if you find them necessary. Not only is your wallet going to be grateful, but Mother Earth as well.

Achieving the ideal indoor temperature can be a tricky endeavor, especially if you are not sure what’s optimal. However, now you know exactly what temperature you should aim for and what the tricks to achieving it are.

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