How to Implement Any Renovation Project with Minimal Dust

Dust invasion during any renovation project is inevitable. Whether it’s a bath or kitchen renovation or a major home improvement project, there’s always going to be mess, dirt and debris. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to minimize dust.
But why bother in the first place?
Dust is everywhere, all the time. But during home construction or renovation, it can get worse and become more potentially hazardous. Why? Basically, all sorts of nasty stuff are released when you knock down a wall, remove the drywall, tear down cabinets, or crack the tiles. These potentially harmful substances can include particles from cement or wood, mold, waste from bugs, spiders, rats, and other pesky pets, lead particles from old paint, even asbestos (if your home or building is very old)!
And where will all these go? Well, they will most likely be glued to your loved furniture, upholstery, and home appliances. And you know what’s worse? These pollutants can get soaked up by your lungs, and the lungs of your kids and pets. These respirable particles are unhealthful and can trigger asthma, allergy, cough, and other respiratory problems.
Minimizing dust is more than minimizing the mess brought about by any construction or renovation project. It’s more than saving yourself from the workaround involved in cleaning those furniture, clothing and furnishings. The most important benefit of minimizing dust is to guard your family from potential health problems.
Implementing Renovation Projects with Minimal Dust
Talk to your contractor.
If dust is a concern to you, the first and most important step is to have a conversation with your contractor. Ask how they plan to contain construction particles. Will they be using power tools with dust extractors? These tools are equipped with vacuum extractors that allow them to sand or cut without blasting dust. They can remove 90% of dust at the point of generation. Not all contractors have these power tools so be sure to ask. But of course, this doesn’t mean your home is going to be dust-free. There are some tasks that power vacuum extractors can’t handle, such as knocking down a wall or tearing a drywall. Discuss with potential contractors how they can implement the renovation project with less mess and dirt. You may also suggest getting most dust-generating tasks done outside, such as sawing.
Set up dust barriers.
An effective way to lessen the dust produced during renovation is to install zipwalls over entry walls that would serve as dust barriers. Some contractors take care of setting up zipwalls so ask about them during the initial consultation and bid. In most cases, contractors should also place sticky mats in doorways to pull dust off their shoes. Floor paper should also line the walkways to capture additional dust. Covering the floor with tarps is another way. At the end of each workday, they can simple remove the tarp, tap the dust outside, and set it up again to be used for the following day. Also, make sure that your crew is making necessary cleanup before they leave, each day. Have everything they would need, such as mops, brooms, rags, vacuums, etc.
Store packs of sanitizing wipes.
You will need plenty of disinfecting wipes as they are very convenient for sanitizing and eliminating messes. They are generally a safe and effective solution to clean surfaces around your home, and are also super simple to throw together. Wipes also have soft fibers, which means you can safely remove dirt and dust from your TV, desktop screen, and other delicate appliances prone to scratch, and even from your expensive upholstery. While covering items is the best way to protect them from dust, there will be stuff around your home that are going to be exposed to dirt. Sanitizing wipes makes cleaning easier. Plus, you also get rid of germs, mold, and bacteria that could lurking on your home surfaces.
Ensure proper air circulation.
Whenever possible, keep your windows open during a home renovation project. You will also greatly benefit from using air scrubbers and purifiers especially if anyone in your home is at risk of asthma, dust allergy, and the like. These portable machines suck dusty air, filter it, and then send out clean air. As for HVAC systems, vents should be covered with plastic so the filters don’t get blocked with larger particles. Damage can occur if you ignore this suggestion, and could lead to costly repair.
Isn’t it nice to have a clean and fresh home all the time, even during a renovation project? Well, that’s possible. Dust is unavoidable, whether you’re having something repaired or improved around your house or not. However, with these tricks and tips, you can keep dust in minimal levels all throughout a home improvement project and ensure a safe environment for you and your family.