The Art of Choosing Modern Living Room Rugs


It sounds like one of the most mundane things in the world, doesn’t it? For so many people, choosing a rug is the afterthought of interior design. Still, the notion of design requires skill and attention to details, and when it comes to arranging your living room into a work of art, every single detail counts. There is no such thing as minutia. If you are at a loss for ideas for such matters, here’s what you need to know about the art of choosing modern living room rugs.

Let’s discuss function

The first question you should ask yourself is whether a certain element or a piece of furniture is fundamental to the functionality and appearance of the room. Well, when it comes to rugs, the answer is twofold: if you are looking to add a stylish element to the room that will also serve as a direly needed heat isolator, then the answer is definitely - yes.

In general, purchasing a rug is not a matter of functionality - it is not as necessary as a sofa or a coffee table or the TV set – however, it can tie the room together and make it appear more comfortable. With that in mind, the second question you should be asking yourself is: What sort of a living room have you envisioned?

Is it future-proof?

Now, you may be afraid to commit to a rug of a particularly noteworthy style simply because you are thinking in advance – one day, you may want to redecorate the room, and then you’ll just have a dust-collecting item on your hands that hardly fits anywhere. Well, if you are thinking that far ahead ( and you probably should) you can look for the type of rug that can easily blend with a range of styles. These new collections by Abode Rugs demonstrate that even a rug can be an extremely versatile stylistic addition to any room while still retaining its uniqueness.

A matter of size and shape

The size of the rug can do a lot to improve the appearance of your living room. For starters, an oversized rug can make it look stuffy, dwarf other elements and overwhelm the entire room. On the other hand, tiny rugs definitely look like an afterthought, something that gives a note of unfinished to the proceedings. In other words, the size should be chosen in perfect correlation with the size and layout of your furniture.

The golden rule goes as follows: at the very most, a rug should be as big as the entire seating area, and no bigger than that. At the very least, the front legs of the sofa and side chairs, possibly along with the coffee table, should be placed on the rug. If the furniture is particularly angular, you should consider going with an oblong rug and vice versa. Of course, you should always keep in mind that these are not actually rules, only guidelines.

Texture and comfort

The material determines the texture, and this will depend on whether you have pets or not. All-wool rugs and cotton flat-weave types are pretty resilient against paws. Furthermore, all-wool is also an affordable option. Silk budget-busters, sisal and other variants are simply a matter of what sort of a feeling you enjoy beneath your toes. This also directly affects comfort.

The color combination depends on pattern combinations and how they blend in with the rest of the room. Contrasting colors that interweave within the rug, combined with simple and sparse furniture, make for an interesting visual flair. Try to mix sparse with intricate for the most pleasant visual impact.

When it comes to committing to a specific aesthetic makeup of a room, you should throw utilitarianism out of the window. We mostly live in relatively stable economies that offer a range of choices when it comes to items and furniture. At the end of the day, it all comes down to texture, material and color palette. In terms of rugs, you should also put shape and pattern into the equation of variables to consider. Should you choose right, you’ll have a wonderful yet understated addition to the living room that manages to tie it together.

