Guidelines for Designing Your Baby Room


One of the most significant projects you will probably take while pregnant is designing your baby's room. Since you will be spending most of your time in the nursery room with your baby, you need a room that makes you happy, relaxed, and enjoy your time in there. You will want to ensure that you have all of the items you need for your nursery before the baby comes. Arm yourself with these guidelines so that your baby's place is not only safe and secure for the little one but also a beautiful space that reflects your style.


If you choose to paint your nursery room, ensure that you use high quality lead-free or water-based paint, which is low in volatile organic compounds. You can select baby-friendly paints from an array of collections available in the market today such as organic paints. Also, ensure that you ventilate the room for two to three days after painting it before your newborn occupies it. Many parents choose to pick a paint that is gender neutral, so that they don’t have to repaint the room when another baby comes along.


Comforters, toys, pillows, stuffed animals, and loose blankets should not be in the crib when the baby is there because the stuffed items contain dangerous items for your baby. If you want to use a bumper pad on the crib, be sure that it fits around the crib well without leaving gaps or sagging, have ties or straps in each corner and at the middle of the long sides. Don't use pillow-like pumpers or other bumper segments if all ties cannot be attached to the crib securely. You can consider getting rid of the bumpers once your baby starts to pull up to a standing position.

The crib

Your baby will spend most of his or her time at the crib, so you need to be careful when choosing the right crib for your baby room. For starters, make sure that the crib meets safety standards to ensure that it is in the best and safest condition. When buying a secondhand crib, ensure that it is safe and that it doesn't have missing or broken parts. Also, the crib should not have drop sides.

Use tight-fitting mattress

Your crib manufacturers can advise you on the right type of bedding for the crib. Avoid buying a small mattress, and you can tell that by fitting your two fingers between the mattress' edge and the side of the crib. Also, make sure that the mattress is of good quality that is favorable for babies to ensure that the baby feels comfortable when sleeping or playing.

Keep everything close

You want to be comfortable when attending to your baby, and you can achieve this through expert organization by keeping all items close to you. You don't want to step away from your baby and risk him or her rolling off because you want to get a liner to slide under his or her butt during a diaper change. Diapers, laundry hampers, wipes, changing table covers and the poop bucket should be placed at a strategic location inside the nursery room for an easy time during a diaper change or as you bathe your baby.

Avoid clutter

Remember that you will have to carry your baby back and forth to their room in the middle of the night. A misplaced toy, play mat, or chair is the last thing you want to come your way because it will trip you over, which could cause a brutal accident. To avoid that, ensure that you incorporate enough storage space for all items on your baby preparation checklists in the nursery room so that you can store them once you are done using them instead of leaving them on the floor.


Window treatments

Avoid positioning the baby's crib close to the drapery because the baby can pull it into its crib. The ideal place to position the crib is opposite of the windows. You can also choose to use cordless window treatments to avoid keeping ropes, strings, and cords away from the little one.


After you have met the precautions, you can create the right space for your baby that makes you happy. After all, you will be spending your time there with your child, so you need to feel comfortable. You can research on various nursery room designs.

