Preserving Your Condo Development’s Value Through Preventive Maintenance


The well-known health adage ― “Prevention is better than cure” ― is equally apt for your condo. Think about it. The more you do today to keep your health in top condition, the more money you’ll save down the line in terms of costly medical procedures. Likewise, the better you maintain your condo today, the more money you’ll save on costly repairs.

This is the core fundamental behind preventive maintenance. Failing to invest in maintenance now will come back to haunt you in the long run. Needless to say, it’s better to keep everything in check and stay on top of things.

Essentially, preventive maintenance is a thoughtfully designed plan which helps in performing routine maintenance to avoid exorbitant fixes at a later stage. By anticipating and regularly inspecting for normal (and unexpected) wear-and-tear, costly repairs can be circumvented.

While the idea is simple, preventive maintenance of properties such as condos requires a certain level of expertise. One needs to have a thorough knowledge of the property and its requirements to be able to effectively maintain it within a set budget. This is where property management and preventive maintenance companies come into play.

Just as you have a family doctor to attend to everyday ailments and keep you in good shape, a property management company will take over the responsibility of devising an effective preventive maintenance plan with regular inspections scheduled in advance, so they aren’t overlooked or delayed.

Whether you choose to hire a contractor or become a one-man army, preventive maintenance is pretty much indispensable. So, here are five things to keep in mind if you wish to sustain your condo’s value.

HVAC maintenance

The Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning system, commonly referred to as the HVAC system, plays a chief role in preserving your condo’s value. If not taken care of, the HVAC system can cost you a pretty penny.



And the opposite is just as true ― keeping your HVAC system in good condition can ultimately lower utility bills, thwart safety concerns, increase productivity, facilitate a healthier indoor air quality (IAQ), decrease chances of a major break down, and extend the lifespan of the system itself.

The upshot? A higher property value.

Ensure Paintwork and Polishing Upkeep

You probably aren’t conscious of the impact of paintwork on the value of your condo. News flash: it’s huge. That said, it does require some serious work to ensure all paintwork is in first-rate condition.

Frequent coats of paint and polish are required to keep the interior and exterior of your condo in prime shape.



Not only does it help to prolong the life of your condo, but it also enhances its marketability and curb appeal.

A check on plumbing

Plumbing preservation comprises more than merely reviewing if the pipes have leaks or are suffering corrosion. It also encompasses the maintenance of various primary appliances operated every day, which can endure considerable stress in just a year.

For instance, the water heater is a part of routine plumbing maintenance, and it must have yearly inspections and tune-ups to verify that it is working properly.



Plumbing repairs are often costly and create a substantial nuisance. So, don’t turn a blind eye to plumbing maintenance.

Keep an eye out for electrical issues

According to the Singapore Civil Defence Force, there were 664 cases (17.1%) of all fires caused by electrical origin in 2018 — second only to dropped light.

Electrical issues such as cable/wiring faults, equipment failures, poor design & installation, and O&M shortfalls are the common causes of home and building fires in Singapore.



Regular inspections supervised by a professional electrician can ensure that the wiring, circuit breakers, and appliances are all in excellent working condition. The gravity of such inspections goes without saying, and a simple walkthrough of your condo’s electrical situation can avert disaster down the line.

Don’t forget the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.


A smoke or carbon monoxide detector that does not go off in case of an emergency could result in grave injuries and damages. Moreover, you can also be held liable in the event of legal action. So, appreciate the importance of keeping these devices functional. Understand that numerous undesirable problems can be dodged by checking the wiring, replacing the batteries from time-to-time, and investing in modern devices.

Final thoughts

Doing all this will help preserve your condo’s value and extend the life cycle of your critical systems. Ultimately, your condo is an investment, and to maximise your ROI, you need to be proactive rather than reactive.

About the Author:

David is the Interior Architect of Mr. Wright. He has amassed more than 20 years of experience in the service repair and renovation business. Throughout his career, he has helped both commercial and residential clients build their offices and dream homes within their budget. His innovative and can-do attitude earned him many repeat customers. Through his articles, he hopes to share information nuggets to help businesses and consumers save time and money.

