Home Decoration Ideas for Vintage Lovers


There are dozens of different home decoration ideas all over the Internet and world. However, not everyone likes those minimalistic and modern looks, but you may prefer a more vintage and rustic look. If you happen to adore the vintage decor of a home, then you should definitely engage in this renovation project and decorate your home with some truly unique pieces. So, if you’re up for this type of home decoration, take a look at these great ideas that will inspire you. 

Start Small

If you are new to this decor, you should start small. Visit your local antique shop and find several pieces and items you really love and you would like to look at every day. This can be a set of vintage plates that you can hang on the wall or a vintage gas can that you can use to display flowers. This simple switch will provide so much charm and character to the entire room and it will help you figure out what you want to do next. 

Storage Can Be Vintage Too

When you’re dressing your home to look vintage, you have to be careful with the storage and its cleanliness. That is why you want to think about providing enough storage space for keeping all the knick-knacks and you don’t want for the piles and piles of stuff to pile - because that’s not vintage, it’s just messy. However, when thinking about your storage options, remember that they can look vintage, too! 

For example, for bulkier clothes, linen or even kid’s toys, you can easily use all sizes of old and vintage wooden chests with metal details. For smaller things, you can keep some vintage boxes around the house, which will pose as both storage and decor. On the other hand, if you and you're SO love wearing jewellery, but don’t know where to store them, you can always rely on jewellery boxes. You can even keep your necklaces, rings, and bracelets in old jewellery music boxes, while you can arrange vintage-looking jewellery boxes for men for your husband and his watches. 

A Mix of Vintage and Neutral Colors

If you want your home to look neat and clean while decorated with a vintage look, you should match the decor with neutral colors. There is a lot of “energy” in colors you’re going to choose for your home, and neutrals bring calming energy and go great with any decor - especially vintage one. So, you can easily rely on soothing combinations such as grey, light blues and cream tones. Even a bit of light yellow or peach shade will provide the comfort you need and accompany the vintage look to the fullest.

Use Old Books

Books are always a good way to bring something heart-warming into your decor. This is especially true when it comes to vintage decor and old books! Gather all the old books you have at home or at your parent’s home, wrap them in twine or burlap, or simply stack them up wherever you see fit and you can never go wrong. Also, you can add a white lace and a ribbon on them to provide a more neutral touch and these will add so much spirit into your interior decor. 

What is more, you can even buy some old books from the antique shop and use their pages to decorate your home. Use the pages to recover your tables and countertops, or you can even make a runner. However, double-check how valuable the book is before you tear out the pages. 


Distress Your Furniture a Bit

Furniture is a big part of your interior design, and if you want to achieve a vintage look you should rely on vintage furniture. However, some vintage pieces can be quite expensive and if you don’t want to spend a fortune, there are other ways. If you have an old coffee table, desk, dresser or a credenza, check their paint. If the pain and finish are already distressed and worn out, you can distress them a bit more, have some fun with it and create your own vintage furniture. 

On the other hand, if you are too sentimental about those pieces or you don’t want to ruin them, you can probably find some cheap pieces on a yard sale and unleash your creativity to add appeal to them. What is best about this little project is that those pieces don’t even have to be big in order to make a statement. You can even go with several smaller pieces and add so much to your vintage decor

Vintage interior design can be quite beautiful. However, you have to be careful. Vintage doesn’t mean old and dusty, it’s the appearance of the pieces that count. You should still make sure to clean and keep everything organized to avoid your home looking shabby and overcrowded. If you have that in mind, you will manage to find the right pieces and create your own unique design. 

