Electrical Safety Tips for Your Children


Children touch and play with anything they come across out of curiosity including electrical appliances and cords at home. This poses the same risks as power lines if not handled precautionary. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that toddlers and children are safe whenever they are around electric appliances and cables.

The Dangers of Electricity

Electricity flows through blood since it consists of 70 percent water. In most cases, however, children are not aware of the dangers of electricity such as shocks, burns, and deaths. The electric power that flows through the appliances and cables is too fast and vigorous that victims cannot pull away from it once it conducts through them.

Electric shock leads to severe pain as the least significant effect. If the amount of heat generated during the shock is sufficient, body tissues are burnt. The shock also affects the victim’s nervous system such as the brain, sensory organs, and spinal cord. These systems are responsible for movement, responding, sensing, remembering, and thinking that happens through minimal electric impulses. The current from mains electricity overpowers these impulses where the victim cannot get out as it paralyzes the muscles.

6 Tips for Electrical Safety

1. Turn off Electric Appliances

Make it a routine to turn off electrical appliances when not in use, or when there is no adult around to monitor the children. Before sleeping, shut off all the electrical devices that are not in use, and if possible, have a main switch far from the children’s reach and away from their room. This is because most appliances have switches and buttons, and kids enjoy getting their hands on them.

2. Do Not Overload the Sockets

Always use one plug in every socket instead of overloading them. Even when using an adapter, ensure that it has a fuse. The total adapter output should not be more than the accepted rating.

3. Educate Children on Electrical Safety

Teach your kids about electrical safety as soon as they are grown up enough to understand. Let them know that they should never touch items that have attached cords or put objects into power points. For easy learning, use graphics and pictures while demonstrating to them.

4. Safety When Unplugging Cords

Demonstrate to grown up children how they can safely unplug cords by holding onto the plugs. When it comes to replacing bulbs, however, do not allow even older children to do it without your supervision. Teach them to switch off the lights and leave the bulbs until they cool before changing.

5. Damaged Electric Cords

Do not keep damaged electrical cords in the house since children can play with and even try to connect them to electricity, thus posing danger to themselves and the family. It is also crucial to replace cords that are beyond repair or even discard the appliance.

6. Appliances in Bathrooms

Do not keep electrical appliances like hair dryers in bathrooms. Instead, keep and use them in adult bedrooms. Additionally, teach the children never to touch electrical outlets and appliances with wet hands.

Electricity remains a leading source of danger to children since they are always curious to try the electrical appliances and tools meant for adults. To reduce the risk, provide them with toys and tools intended for play. Close monitoring and thorough education as they grow up are also necessary to enhance their safety.


Ryan Bridges is a contributing writer and media specialist for the Mr. Electric. He regularly produces content for a variety of electric and home improvement blogs, based around the transitional challenges which come with managing safety and improvements around the home.

